Step Into Your Power
Step Into
Your Power
Group work to bring your true self to the world.
What is an Encounter Group?
An Encounter Group is a group process where participants learn about and develop themselves through their interaction with each other. The focus is on honest expression, listening from the heart, and working through challenges and conflict together.
Each Encounter Group is a closed group made up of no more than 8 group members plus 1 facilitator in a non-hierarchical structure. The facilitator participates in the group by sharing vulnerably and offering their conflict resolution experience to help shepherd the group forward towards harmony and connection.
Each group meets weekly for two hours, and there is no set agenda. Therefore, it is the responsibility of each group member to create the group into what they want it to be by communicating their needs and making requests.
8 members, 1 facilitator, 0 agenda.
8 members,
1 facilitator,
0 agenda
Develop your ability to…

Give and receive honest feedback.

Be with unpleasant emotions and feelings during challenging conversations.

Clearly express your thoughts, feelings, needs and requests.

Listen to others even when you don’t like what they say.

Understand others even when you disagree with their perspective.

Assert yourself and ask for what you want.

What will you learn?
An Encounter Group is a practice room for life.
Each session presents an opportunity to get out of your comfort zone—to step out of the version of yourself that you were taught to be and into the version you want to be. Yet it’s just that, an opportunity.
You will likely be uncomfortable. You will likely be irritated. You will likely be nevous. And what you choose to do about it will be up to you. If you choose to reveal yourself, you will experience healing. You will experience a deep connection with yourself and others. You will experience your own power.
The more we practice any skill, the better we get. Thus, if you practice vulnerability in the group, you will be more vulnerable in life. If you practice asserting yourself in the group, you will be more assertive in life. If you practice shying away from difficult conversations in the group, you will be more likely to shy away from difficult conversations in life. In other words…
You will get out of an Encounter Group what you put into it.
❌ Be nice.
✅ Be real.

Hello, I’m Simon Wiskowski 👋🏼
Encounter Facilitator
As an Encounter Group facilitator, I bring my extensive experience in Nonviolent Communication and conflict resolution to help participants express themselves beyond judgment, hear each other with an open heart, and connect when conflict arises.
A practice room for life.
What participants are saying about their experience…

“I love showing up to my weekly Encounter Group! I get to play on my edges – speaking honestly, listening to understand, interrupting, and asking for what I want – in a contained group with minimal facilitation. The richness of interacting within the group opens exponential opportunities for me to experience, create, and respond to social dynamics that I’ve not found possible to experience in a one-to-one counseling relationship.
More importantly, I’ve noticed how I’ve brought this practice into my wider life and am experiencing the effects of greater authenticity in my other relationships.
Simon brings a light touch to facilitating the group, leading through example and authentic participation in the group. Thank you Simon!”
— Jessica Schaeffer, Professional Musician

“It’s a joy for me to endorse Simon’s Encounter group!
In a very few sessions, I’ve learned a lot about my conversational style. By engaging with other members, I get immediate feedback on what I say and how I say it, which I appreciate because I’m an online debater, so how I communicate is very often more important than what I communicate.
For example, I am learning to “keep it short” so that my messages have more power.
Additionally, as a facilitator, Simon creates an environment that helps me learn about myself and others, one where I feel safe to take risks and get out of my comfort zone.
The Encounter Group is a many-splendored thing indeed!
I am very grateful for Simon’s work.”
— Ray Villeneuve, Retiree & Grandfather

“For those of us who may find traditional social settings overwhelming or inauthentic, an Encounter Group provides something uniquely valuable – a structured yet organic space for real human connection.
Simon brings an authentic curiosity that immediately sets the tone, and his natural ability to hold space while remaining genuinely present creates an environment where vulnerability feels safe. Unlike the sensory overload of restaurants or bars, or the clinical nature of therapy, this group offers a rare opportunity to practice authentic communication in real-time.
As someone who frequently communicates with AI, I found immense value in experiencing the beautiful tension of live human interaction in a safe, neuroaffirming environment. Here, you can unmask and practice the art of genuine dialogue – complete with thoughtful pauses, engaged responses, and the kind of deep listening we often yearn for but rarely find in everyday settings.“
— Aimee Morrison, Entrepreneur
Ready to join a group?
Step #1
Read through the group agreements and pricing information below.
Step #2
Find the group (day/time) that works best for you.
Step #3
Click “Join Group” below and schedule a free intro call with the facilitator to discuss if joining an Encounter Group is right for you.
Step #1
Read through the group agreements and pricing information below.
Step #2
Find the group (day/time) that works best for you.
Step #3
Click “Join Group” below and schedule a free intro call with the facilitator to discuss if joining an Encounter Group is right for you.
Group agreements:
When joining an Encounter Group, participants commit, to the best of their ability, to uphold the following agreements:
Confidentiality / Privacy
Clear agreements about how to speak about an experience in an Encounter Group outside of the group contribute to safety amonst the groups members; safety contributes to honesty; and honesty contributes to growth.
– If I speak about what is said during a group session, I agree to speak about my personal experience, rather than the experience of other group members.
– If I speak about another group member with someone that is not a member of the group, I agree to change the name of the group member to hide their identity.
– (Online only) I agree to be recorded. Recordings of group session will be available for viewing only until the next session.
Clarity around responsibility diminishes the presence of guilt and shame in an Encounter Group, deepens the safety of all group members, and makes growth and transformation possible.
– I acknowledge that this process can stimulate feelings of fear, anger, guilt, shame, etc, and while the words of other group members can stimulate my emotional experience, others are not the cause of my feelings.
– I agree to take 100% responsibility for my experience in the group – if I want the group to be different, it is my responsibility to express myself, seek to understand what is important to others, ask for what I want, and search for a solution that works for everyone. If I am unable to speak up in the space, I agree to reach out to the facilitator for support outside of group time.
By agreeing to express ourselves honestly, we respect and care for the well-being and growth of all group members. Honesty is truth, and there is no growth without truth.
– I agree to share how I feel about other group members and/or the facilitator, to the best of my ability.
Remaining present and open to receiving help keeps the collective energy of each Encounter Group flowing and moving forward.
– I agree to remain open to the possibility of receiving help, even and especially when I’m triggered.
– I agree to remain open to understanding the experience of other group members even if I don’t like or agree with what they say.
– Once the session starts, I agree to do my best to remain physically present until the end of the session (remaining in the room, keeping my camera on, keeping my mic unmuted).
Clear agreements around time ensure respect for the lives of all group members and the effective use of group time.
– I acknowledge that my presence and perspective is a contribution to the other members in my group. With that in mind, I agree to participate in all group meetings unless I have an emergency or something very important to attend to, or am on vacation.
– I agree to do my best to start and end all meetings on time.
– If I intend to miss a session or arrive late, I agree to notify the facilitator before the meeting starts.
– If I am late for a group, I agree to join the group whenever I can rather than miss the entire session.
– (Online only) If I miss a session or part of a session, I agree to listen to the recording(s) before the next session.
Clear “rules-of-engagement” bring order to group sessions and ensure group time is utilized to its maximum benefit.
– I agree to initiate interaction in the group. If I have something to say, I will bring it up and not wait until I’m addressed or triggered.
– When I speak in the group, I agree to speak about my experience rather than other people’s experience.
– If I want to address another group member or the facilitator, I agree to speak to them directly rather than about them.
– I agree to prepare for each session by taking a few minutes before the start of each session to reflect on how I feel towards each group member.
– When conflict arises between two group members, I agree to support them both with empathic understanding and refrain from taking sides and giving advice.
– When conflict arises between two group members, if their conflict stimulates pain in me, I agree to wait to share my experience until the two group members have completed their dialogue.
– If conflict arises between myself and another group member, I agree to resolve that conflict within the group meeting time and refrain from addressing the conflict outside of the group.
– While I will strive to honestly and transparently share my experience, I acknowledge that all participation in this group is voluntary – there is no demand that I say or do anything in the group.
– (Online only) I agree to have my video turned on and stationary.
1:1 Facilitator Meetings
Individual meetings help participants get clear about what skills they want to develop and how to best utilize the group space as a learning environment.
– I understand that I can schedule a 30-minute one-on-one meeting with the facilitator once every three months to discuss my progress and learning edges, and that it is my responsibility to contact the facilitator to arrange such meetings.
Leaving a group
Participants in an Encounter Group develop close connections with each other and when one group member leaves, all group members are impacted. For that reason, participants are asked to leave their group in a way that brings a sense of closure/completeness to their fellow group members.
– If I want to leave the group, I agree to talk to the group about my intention to leave before leaving, explore with the group the reasons why I’m considering leaving to make sure I’m not leaving as a way of avoiding something, and process any feelings and needs that arise from my decision to leave.
– To leave the group, I agree to email the facilitator informing them of my intent to leave, then participate in two more sessions after I’ve expressed in writing my intent to leave the group.
– If I miss two consecutive sessions, I agree to forfeit my spot in the group unless the other participants decide to make an exception.
To participate in an Encounter Group, the initial group membership is three months at a rate of $150 per month, or a one-time payment of $405. After the first three months, your membership continues monthly at $150 per month.
Financial Assistance
I don’t want money to prevent anyone from participating.
I want to live in a world where the needs of more people are met, and to create that world, I believe we must develop the skills to speak our truth, even and especially when we’re scared to do so. This work is one way I help others develop that ability, and I want to support all those who are ready to dive in and confront their fears.
Having said that, I value a mutual sense of giving and receiving in our relationship, both because only giving without receiving doesn’t feel good to me and because without receiving, I cannot continue to offer this work to the world.
While I stand firmly for my need for mutuality, I’m flexible regarding the ways to meet that need. I see money as a useful strategy to meet my needs because it’s easy for me to transfer it to the exact things that contribute to me. However, if the amount I’m asking for would prevent you from joining, I offer the following options:
1. We can find a different payment schedule that works better for you.
2. We can brainstorm other ways you can contribute to me, though it’s not always easy to find an alternate solution (one that you enjoy giving and that genuinely contributes to me).
Have a question about money? Please feel free to reach out using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Terms & Conditions
– Joining an Encounter Group requires an initial three-month membership.
– After the initial three-month membership, until one expresses their intent to leave the group, the group and the facilitator are under the impression that one is choosing to continue their membership and participation in the group.
– Recurring monthly payments begin when one joins an Encounter Group, or at the start of the fourth month if one pays for the initial three-month membership with a one-time payment.
– Payments will automatically renew each month until one leaves their group following the process outlined below in the group agreements section, and ends their payment subscription.
– Once registered for an Encounter Group, one can get a full refund until three days (72 hours) prior to the start of one’s first session.
– Each Encounter Group is a closed group, sessions will occur whether one attends them or not. There are no refunds for any missed session(s).
– It is the responsibility of each group member to track their sessions and coordinate their departure from the group. If one leaves the group with any number of “unused” sessions, one will not receive a refund for those sessions.
When / Where do groups meet?
Groups listed as “open” are accepting new members.

All In-person groups are paused for the time being

Every Wednesday | 7:00 – 9:00pm ET | Open | *New group starting March 5th! (My time zone)
Don’t see a group that works for you…
Email us to be notified when new time slots become available and/or to join a wait list.
1:1 Coaching
Not showing up in your Encounter Group in the way you’d like or struggling with a relationship outside of your group? Let’s dive into your specific situation and get you reconnected to your power and authenticity.
Address your specific issues:
– Resolve both inner and outer conflicts.
– Transform anger, frustration, annoyance/irritation, guilt, and shame into compassion for self and others.
– Shift out of fear, depression and hopelessness.
– Heal emotional wounds regardless of when they occurred.
– Practice navigating challenging dialogues.
– Learn new communication skills and practice them so they integrate into your daily life.
Session Details
1:1 sessions are with Simon.
Online through Zoom.
90 minutes
1 x 90-minute 1:1 coaching session: $150
2 x 90-minute 1:1 coaching sessions: $270
6 x 90-minute 1:1 coaching sessions: $720
Regarding Money:
I don’t want money to prevent anyone from receiving support. If the amount I’m asking for would prevent you from receiving help, I offer the following options:
1. We can find a different payment schedule that works better for you.
2. We can brainstorm other ways you can contribute to me, though it’s not always easy to find an alternate solution (one that you enjoy giving and that genuinely contributes to me).
Have a question about money? Please feel free to reach out using the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Please feel free to reach out!
*I’m currently troubleshooting a technical issue with the contact form below. If you have a question, please email me directly at Thank you!